Computer Vision and Robotics Lab

PICTURE Prof. Its'hak Dinstein is the head of the image processing and computer vision laboratory at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University.The laboratory serves three faculty members, ten graduated students, and twenty undergraduated students, working on their senior projects. The laboratory is equipped with three UNIX based workstations, three IBM 486 compatible PC, an HP scanner, and a number of television cameras and monitors, and frame grabbers.

Active research projects:

Image Compression

PICTURE The use of sub-band coding for image compression. This work investigates the possibility of combining sub-band filtering with the JPEG image compression standard.

Parallel Clustering

PICTURE Development of parallel algorithms for iterative minimum mean square error clustering techniques. The proposed parallel algorithms are based on multiple initial cluster seeds, and inter-iteration cluster evaluation and update.

Flower Bulb Classification

PICTURE Using machine visual inspection for detection of deformed and/or damaged flower bulbs.

Human Chromosome Classification

PICTURE There are two aspects to this work. The first deals with preprocessing techniques aimed for image enchancement and segmentation.The second aspect is the clas- sification of the chromosomes. The classification approach is based on artifical neural networks.This work is done in collaboration with Dr.Hugo Guterman.

Optical Character Recognition

PICTURE Algorithms for optical recognition of musical scores. This project is intended for the generation of MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) sequences from scanned printed music.

PICTURE Maintained by Vladimir Y. Bushel.